Monday, November 23, 2009

Getting closer to a Base surfboards order

Let us know if there's anything you want from any of the Base Surfboard shapers (Darren Handley, Simon Anderson, Murray Bourton, and Luke Short). We're gonna be putting an order in soon, check out their website to see the models. One of our team riders has been surfing his DHD Bobby Monster model (pictured here) a lot lately and we've only had super positive feedback from him! If you've been thinking about getting a new board, give us a call at 877 339 5672 and we can help you figure out what you need!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

New Look!

Check out the new look of the site and let us know what you think! We're pretty stoked on the re-design! Ton's of good deals right now going into the holidays!